One of my clients described his divorce as, “the devastation of a life-long dream” and “a continuous battle of conflict and disappointment…It takes years to overcome the injuries.”
Whereas, another client described the loss of her long-term relationship and soon to follow, loss of her dream job, as a “deep pain and loneliness that simply won’t budge.”
Whatever your experiences of “loss” are, effective communication skills are the essence to long-term recovery, health and happiness.
So, come and join Michelle Baumgartner, founder and director of HHC Consulting for a group meeting.
In these small and private groups, Michelle Baumgartner, founder and director of HHC Consulting, will describe how being an effective communicator is an essential part of her unique approach to changing and enhancing lives. Once you master the art of authentic and open communication based on CBT coaching techniques you will be able to speak comfortably, confidently and lovingly in the face of conflict and disappointment. You will also learn the art of speaking up for what you need in order to accomplish a free spirit and a positive and healthy life.